How to get tone and leaner?
The Split Squat
To achieve your fitness goals, these four pillars all need to work together to support each other.
4 Reasons you are not losing weight
l'ajout de comportements sains!
How do we become accountable of our own actions, health, Life?
4 things to remember if you are OVERWHELMED with fitness
Can you be obese and healthy?
8 underrated behaviours that will transform your Health
How many calories I need to eat to lose weight?
Myth: "no pain, no gain”
How resilient you are to current changes that happen in the fall?
The handstand push-up course.
MYTH: Scale weight is the only way to measure progress
Seasonal changes in environment
prendre le temps de donner la priorité à la forme physique
“what is LIFE ROM”?
Comment enseignons-nous aux gens comment vivre?
What is the strength continuum?
How do we teach people how to Live?